Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Lesson, auditions, agents, etcetera

So, yesterday I had my acting lesson. It was my third one with this instructor - Russ Randall at Final Act Drama in Richmond Virginia. That's one thing about me - I'm very dedicated to anything I do - especially acting. Richmond is 2 hours away - so that's 4 hours in the car!
Well a little over a week ago, my manager told me to call this agent - Connie Lamothe (at 24/7 Models and Talent)- based in Virginia (he had already talked to her and told her I would be getting in touch to set up a time to meet). I called her and left a message and then never heard back. Yesterday I emailed my manager to tell him I hadn't heard back (while I was in Richmond) and then when I got home checked the messages and she HAD called. So I need to call back. Hopefully I will get in to meet her soon and maybe I'll get signed and will get some gigs while I'm still here in VA!
I also have to call Central Casting to find out about the House of Cards shoot on Wednesday as well as call the restaurant I work at to find out when I'm scheduled for this week.
I also have scheduled an audition next Wednesday for a web series called Shotgun Mythos. It sounds very interesting, but it would not be paid and it's in West Virginia - an hour and a half away. But it would be something to add to my resume, IMDB credit list and demo reel.
But grr... my IMDB starmeter dropped! I knew it would... but man I was hoping it would just keep going up! lol. I just need to keep submitting myself for auditions so more people will look at it and then it'd be so nice to get a job so I can add to my IMDB page!

I just called both Central Casting and Connie Lamothe - Central Casting told me to call back in an hour, and no one answered at 24/7 Models and Talent. Haha. Seems like I may be playing phone tag with Connie Lamothe for a while unless she calls back today and I don't miss the call for any reason! lol.

So... just going to try and pass time for another hour so I can call the Casting office. haha.

Well, that's all for now!

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